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      The Christian Life

      If you don’t forgive, you’re on your way to hell

      If you don’t forgive, you’re on your way to hell

      That title got your attention, didn’t it? Now this is by no means a study to smash your faith. Yet that title is 100% true. Therefore, I’m not only going to tell you why this is true, but I’m also going to share what solution God has for this, accompanied by my very own testimonies on this specific topic. Everything I’m about to share is not taught merely from theory, no, I have lived through it and applied it myself. One of the biggest problems and main reasons why even ‘Christians’ will end up in hell, is because of unforgiveness. The last thing I want is for that to happen to you. Once you die and open your eyes in hell, there is no way out. Ever. But today you still have a choice. The good news is that hell wasn’t made for you.

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      The vision about the coverage over The Netherlands

      The vision about the coverage over The Netherlands

      As this November week is starting, I feel led to share a vision with you which the Lord has given me a few years ago. I haven't shared this vision often, only at some occasions, but now is the time to publish it publicly. Don't worry, this vision does not just apply to my nation. You can apply it to every other nation as well. First let me give you some introduction. Many times, I have shared my frustration and agony in regard to my own nation, The Netherlands. God knows the enormous struggle I've had with this nation, with its people and with having to live here. If it were up to my own desires, to my carnal flesh, I would have left this nation a long long time ago. Since we're being honest anyway, I can tell you that I was utterly disgusted by my nation and that I hated it. I agree, it wasn't a good attitude and I had to repent from it often.

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      A Christian vote during the elections: What is the right choice?

      A Christian vote during the elections: What is the right choice?

      For the first twelve years of my life, I have been raised in what you can call a sort of Pentecostal Church, in the south of The Netherlands. That Church turned out to have a lot of characteristics of a cult, which is why my parents decided to leave. After that they took us to an Evangelical Church (a sort of mix between a Reformed Church and a Pentecostal Church). During my teenage years, I eventually left that Church and Christianity. When I made my personal choice to follow Jesus Christ, I eventually returned to that same Church for a few years, until the Lord told me to move to a different Church. From that moment I became a part of the Dutch Charismatic movement.

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      When God is silent He's not telling you 'No!'

      When God is silent He's not telling you 'No!'

      Time goes by. Day by day. Month by month. Year by year. Prayers are being send up. Many of them. Promises are received, through the Word or through prophecies. Yet there are times when none of those great promises seem to come to pass and where it seems that none of our prayers are ever going to be answered. There's no visible power, no signs, no miracles and not a Word from above. No healing, no deliverance, no restoration. And if there is one of those things, it's still not on the area where you would really need it most. I could say 'I've been there', but fact is that I'm still there. Therefore, I'm not only speaking to you, but also to myself.

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      Does God consider sex the same as getting married?

      Does God consider sex the same as getting married?

      When we confess sins, it is far from pleasant, but it is the first step to liberty. Confessing our sins is not an option, it is required when we want to follow Jesus. It is the only way to freedom. When leaving even the smallest of lies in place, it is an open door for the enemy. The lies are not protecting you, they are hurting you even more. And those involved. If you’re not married, then sexual sins are between you and the Lord. Still, it may be a very wise idea to talk about it with your pastor or counselor. However, when you are married, then your sexual sins are no longer yours alone. 

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